Bic CameraIndustry
Consumer ElectronicsLocation
Established in 1980, Bic Camera has become one of the biggest consumer electronics retailer chains in Japan, with 50 stores in operation nationwide. The company also offers various products including over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, toys, sportswear, liquor, and more.
Digitalizing physical stores is a significant strategy in gaining a competitive advantage over online shopping malls. It has become essential to boost sales by controlling promotions quickly with immediate price changes to drive customers’ purchase decisions.
The RAINUS Central Server enables users to manage price changes effectively with a high volume of electronic shelf labels in multiple stores. Store operators are given the ability to monitor and check the status of electronic shelf labels in each store with InforTab-compatible software. The optimized configuration also allows fast and reliable data transmission throughout the stores.
Store operators have noticed significant time savings using electronic shelf labels. The combination of O2O commerce and ESL increased shopper engagement and decreased the rate of shoppers leaving without purchasing products.